Wednesday, November 5, 2014

This blog is not dead. Also I am a winner, so there

One could be forgiven for thinking that this blog and my 13th Age game had died.

However, neither is true.  The hiatus has lasted much longer that I would have liked, but it turns out teenagers are really busy, which makes me, as their father, also really busy.

Nonetheless, we will play again, and you will read about it here.

In the meantime, I wrote a little something and the kind people over at the Iconic Podcast recognized my entry about how the Wizard King (before he became the Lich King in 13th Age's Dragon Empire) came to kill and enthrall the lich of the White Dragon Icon as the First Place winner.

I have already spent the money, so they can't take it back.

I read the other entries that placed (and I look forward to making time to read the other entries as well), and I have to say that there are so many creative minds out there, and I would have just been glad to compete.  But I am glad to have been selected this time around as the winner, and you can read my entry here.