Thursday, February 2, 2012

No comment

So, Punisher issue 8 came out yesterday, but my local store had a short supply and ran out before I got there.


They are supposed to be getting some from the other store today or so.

So, I cannot comment on the issue, but many others can, so I will chronicle their ratings without, I hope, exposing myself to too many spoilers before I get to read the issue.

IGN (9/10)

MCMBuzz (B+)

Comic Vine (4/5 stars)

Crisis on Infinite Midlives ("Rucka is telling this story in his own good time, but it’s worthwhile keeping up with it. He’s assembled a rich cast of characters that all deserve their own moments to shine.  . . . Stick with this book. We’re going to get some payoffs soon and storytelling like this in a decompressed book doesn’t come around as often as we deserve.")

Punisher Central (Overall Rating: A)

JINXWORKD FORUMS ("Wow, Greg Rucka knows how to write a story.") [Review by JBK405]

Comic Bastards (3/5)

Update Feb. 6

More reviews--

CBR (4.5/5 stars)

forces of geek (A-)

Multiversity comics ("Greg Rucka has been doing fantastic work on this title, and I will sing its praises until the end of the world (and then some)")

Henchmen-4Hire (4/5: Good; "Booyah, baby!  Hells yes! Finally, Rucka gives us a stand-up-and-shout moment of pure excitement in his Punisher series! This is the kind of darkly sinister yet wholly rewarding scene I want in my Punisher comics. There are few things more badass than the Punisher’s skull logo appearing out of the shadows. And Rucka and returning artist Marco Checchetto nail it to the wall and leaving it dripping!") 

Shawn’s Showcase ("I do want to mention Punisher #8 because I do not believe this book has gotten the attention it deserves. Greg Rucka has offered an interesting take on the Punisher by centralizing the stories on the people whose lives are affected by the vigilante-killing machine. It really does offer the character in a different fashion. Well worth trying out.")

Don't Hate the Geek (Top Pick of the Week)

Mr. Comic Book, After School (4.5/5)

and also

Grant's Cover of the Week - Punisher #8 by Marco Checchetto
("Grant: I'm super happy to have Marco Checchetto back on this book.  He and Greg Rucka really know how to make great comics.  And while they're doing great stuff inside the cover, Checchetto is also taking the time to do great stuff on the cover proper.  This picture may not have much to do what's going on inside, but when the Punisher is sporting such a fine facial hair, I'm not terribly concerned about it.  Seriously, Frank, that's one hell of a beard you have there.")

1 comment:

  1. Update for February 21

    One more review. Not the most complementary, but I try to pull in as many diverse views as I can, whether I agree with them or not.

    The Factual Opinion ("Although this leans so heavily on film tricks that half the reading experience consists of pages of Checchetto drawing zoom effects on dead bodies and plugging up the page with "establishing" shots, it's actually a pretty engaging comic, almost like it's being so in spite of the way everyone involved would apparently be happier storyboarding David Fincher movies.")
